Semipalatinsk Wood Processing Plant No. 1 LLP is the only producer of big-size high water-resistant plywood (PSF brand) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The plant construction was launched on January 25, 2012 and in the May of 2012 the plant already produced its first batch of the finished products. The installed equipment allows to produce the high-quality plywood with thickness varying from 4 mm up to 30 mm of various wood types, fully complying with the requirements of the State standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Only wholesales – from 30 cubic meters
Semipalatinsk Wood Processing Plant No. 1 LLP has the certificates for its products:
Coniferous laminated plywood (FOF brand)
Laminated birch plywood, 18mm thick (FOF brand)
Coniferous plywood with increased water resistance (FSF brand)
Birch plywood with increased water resistance (FSF brand)
Upon the client’s request, the birch and coniferous plywood are available in the following versions: polished on two sides (Sh2/S2), polished on one side (Sh1/S1), unpolished (NSh).
Semipalatinsk Wood Processing Plant No. 1 LLP has the certificates for its products:
Telephone: +7 (727) 290-37-07, +7 (727) 317-75-19, +7 (727) 239-91-66
Mail: www.rkd.kz, info@rkd.kz
Office address: Almaty city, Ili tract 17.
Warehouse Address: Uralsk, Urdinskaya 11/1.
Telephone: +7 (727) 310-42-38
Mail: sales@kazwood.kz
Website: kazwood.kz

The plant purchases on an ongoing basis:
Plywood logs of hardwood and softwood types
Sawlogs of the softwood and hardwood types
Phenol-formaldehyde resins
Paper, impregnated with the phenolic resins.

How to determine what plywood grade you have?
How to determine what plywood grade you have? The easiest way is to ask the seller. However, you can try to do it yourself, using the approximate methods. For example, the first grade material has a flat…

The basic requirements for the birch plywood
This plywood is made from dense, slowly growing birch wood from the forests of Kazakhstan. This wood material is light with only few dark strips. The ridges are cut into thin veneer (about 2 mm thick), and then they are pressed…

Plywood on the Kazakhstani market
Plywood is a layered glued material, consisting of three or more sheets of wood with perpendicular arrangement of fibres in the adjacent layers. It ensures a higher strength of the plywood in various directions, stability of its form…

What is the difference between the grades of plywood
Plywood grades (E) (A). This is an elite plywood, which has not visible defects and deficiencies on the sheet surface. The random defects in the form of breaches of the textural drawings are allowed, but the presence of dark…

Almaty city

Single telephone number
Address: 43, Zapadny promuzel (Western Industrial Base)
e-mail ok@sdoz1.kz